Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

TheThursday Activity

I wake up at 5.30 am every morning.  I press the snooze button before I turn off the alarm and get up. After get pray, I am taking a shower then I have a cup of milk and ate breakfast. This is Thursday, I  have to went to campus, as always just study, hanging out with friends, and get home then sleep.

At home, I usually make something about crafting, it’s so fun. Playing with clay, flannel or everything relate with craft and art. I love it sooo much! I have finished my project then I’m taking a shower and dinner with my family.

After dinner I chill out on the sofa and watch television. At 9.30 pm, I get into my pajamas and set the alarm so I wake up in the morning.

The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, go to bed, and pray :D

Exercise 2

1.            If I have enough apples, I (bakewill bake an apple pie this afternoon. 
2.            If I had enough apples, I (bakewould bake an apple pie this afternoon.
3.            I will fix your bicycle if I (havehave a screwdriver of the proper size.
4.            I would fix your bicycle if I (havehad a screwdriver of the proper size.
5.            I (makewill make a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
6.            I (makewould make a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden were ripe.
7.            Jack would shave today if he (havehad a sharp razor.
8.            Jack will shave today if he (havehave a sharp razor.
9.            Sally always answers the phone if she (beis in her office.
10.        Sally would answer the phone if she (bewere in her office right now.
11.        I (not bewouldn’t a student in this class if English (bewere my native language.

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Tugas Softskill

S             =    Subject
VPhrase  =    Verb Phrase
C             =    Compliment
MOT/P   =    Modifier of Time/Place

1.      George is cooking dinner tonight.
George / is cooking / dinner / tonight.
S        VPhrase           C           MOT

2.      Henry and Marcia have visited the president.
Henry and Marcia / have visited / the president.
             S                     VPhrase                 C

3.      We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
We / can eat / lunch / in this restaurant / today.
 S     VPhrase       C                MOP                 MOT

4.      Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
Pat / should have bought / gasoline / yesterday.
  S                 VPhrase                   C              MOT

5.      Trees grow.
Trees / grow.
    S          V

6.      It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
It / was raining / at seven o’clock this morning.
S       VPhrase                         MOT

7.      She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
She / opened / a checking account / at the bank / last week.
  S     VPhrase                    C                        MOP              MOT

8.      Harry is washing dishes right now.
Harry / is washing / dishes / right now.
    S         VPhrase          C             MOT

9.      She opened her book.
She / opened / her book.
  S     VPhrase          C

10.  Paul, William, and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago.
Paul, William, and Marry / were watching / television / a few minutes ago.
                   S                            VPhrase               C                      MOT

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013


What is the business?

A business is an activity carried out by a person or group in creating a traded goods to make a profit.

If you want to do business, what business will you do?

I want to do business in the field of crafting.

How-to marketing? And the reason?

Promote through relatives or significant others. If get a good response, followed by social networking or via online and then to the broader marketing.

The reason I choose crafting to be my business is because it is my hobby and I have skill in it.

A business is an activity carried out by a person or group in creating a traded goods to make a profit. If I want to do business, I will do business in the field of crafting. I will promote through relatives or significant others. If get a good response, followed by social networking or via online and then to the broader marketing. The reason I choose crafting to be my business is because it is my hobby and I have skill in it.

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Selamat Datang Adik Kecil

24 Desember 2012

Baru dua hari setelah pernikahan sodara, sekarang ditampilin lagi berita yang bikin senengnya berkelanjutan. Anak dari Om Ivan dan Tante Novi yang super duper baik hati, lahir ditanggal yang sama dengan cucu presiden RI (SBY) (haha ga penting). Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan berbakti kepada orang tua ya, Muhammad Rozaq :)

Pernikahan Kak Wulan

22 Desember 2012

Hal yang paling bikin nyengir adalah ketika disuruh menjadi salah satu pajangan di suatu acara, khususnya acara pernikahan. Kaya tanggal 22 ini, pernikahan ka wulan, sodara dari papa. Untuk kali ini dipercaya menjadi penerima angpao didepan ruangan (sebenernya lebih nyaman jadi pagar ayu), berhubung ga ada, jadi senyum-senyum aja tanpa penolakan, kenapa? karna ada beberapa hal yang super duper jadi hiburan. Pertama, lumayan lah ya iseng-iseng cuci mata liat alumni sma 8 dan ITB (asli ganteng-ganteng). Kedua, makan sepuasnya tanpa batas :p. Ketiga, jadi pujian cantik karna hampir setiap ada sodara yang nikahan pasti gue yang jadi langganan pajangan :p, tapi selalu menyenangkan :D

Happy Wedding Day ya kak.. Semoga cepet dapet momongan :)

hal kecil yang bikin bahagia

hal kecil yang bikin bahagia :3 nutella!! 

yaaayyy!!! cemilan kecil ini biasanya ditemani dengan roti, tapi buat gue cukup dicolek-colek aja langsung, lebih nikmat :D rasa coklatnya hampir sama seperti coklat forrero rocher (satu perusahaan sih :p)
nambah satu cinta barunya :D